For academic institutions and individuals.
If you are interested in any talk or workshop, please contact me.

Changing Course: Insights on transitioning away from academia. (90min)
Eventually, many academics face this possibility: leaving, quitting academia. Often, it is a decision fraught with much emotion, perceived as a threat to our identity, to our sense of self and pride. The uncertainty of our prospects in the outside world also fuels fears and doubt. In this talk we introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia and dispel some common misconceptions and biases
Mental Clarity & Decision-making in Academia (full-day workshop, with Desiree Dickerson, PhD)
How do we create the mental clarity to make big decisions when academia leaves us with so little time or energy? Often, we are left trying to make big life changing decisions from a place of self-doubt, emotional reactiveness, and exhaustion. Fortunately, we can learn some tools and strategies to lessen the pressure of decision-making and gain confidence with our decisions, big and small.
Deciding with Others: Decision-making for team-leaders (full-day workshop)
Making decisions comes with many challenges. Even simple decisions can feel hard and have us worry over them. It only gets more challenging when we have to decide with others or for them, as team leaders, managers or in a consulting or expert capacity. Also, a leader usually needs to delegate decisions while being accountable for the results and this can produce its own tensions.
In this workshop we discuss the main hurdles in our decision-making, as individuals,
as teams and as leaders. We also describe and practice some tools to help us improve our decision-making and leadership skills.
1:1 Consulting (for individuals)
Transitioning away from academia is often a process riddled with self-doubt and uncertainty, as well as practical issues such as writing an industry CV or preparing interviews. Reach out if you would like some help with the move.